
David Lace - The Zen Photographer

David's work has been described as "a unique and enlightening fusion of the erotic, mystical, spiritual, and the intellectual."

With a background in fine art and design, internationally published photographer/artist David Lace has numerous credits in the fields of fashion, glamour, beauty, still life, and fine art. David specializes in exceptional photography for models, actors and entertainers.

MORE - With over 20 years experience as a top fashion/beauty photographer David truly excels at creating stunning, sexy and unique images for his clients. His lighting, posing and image retouching skills are unequaled. David's unique images have been featured on magazine covers, advertisements, numerous fashion and glamour publications and in art galleries worldwide.

While residing on the west coast (Venice Beach, California) he created award-winning photography for both the fine art world and commercial markets. His limited edition fine art prints have been widely published and shown in galleries worldwide. David Lace - Exceptional Glamour Photography for Models, Actors & Entertainers

David is widely known for his innovative use of creative and non-traditional lighting techniques, his unique flair for composition, and his stunning rich toned black & white images. He commands an exceptional understanding of both natural and artificial light with an eye the for the eclectic, erotic and beautiful.

OTHER ACTIVITIES - David currently lives in Atlanta with his family. A long time Zen practitioner, David is also an accomplished author, an animal rights & vegan activist, and a Raw Foods & Natural Health instructor/coach.  

OUT-OF-STATE SESSIONS - David travels frequently and is available for sessions worldwide. Please call or email for details.

"David Lace is so much fun to work with and truly unique. He has this amazing ability to inspire confidence and bring out the absolute best in the models he works with. Sessions with David always result in astonishing images. But a truly fantastic thing is that the models he work with always have fun during the sessions and leave with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose."

- Julia - LA Models

"I absolutely love it. Whether I'm shooting a portrait, a commercial session or creating a still life image, photography is one of the things I do that still creates inside me the wonder, awe, and excitement of being a child, to be able with only a camera and lens to discover the beauty, magic and the connectedness that surrounds me."

- David Lace

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